If not then at least it is excellent programming. Here is a conversation I had using the EVP. I had just taken a bubble bath 20 minutes prior:
EVP: "bath". "enjoy". (Said with a question intonation.
Me: (slightly freaking out but keeping my cool) "uhhhh, yeah, I did actually." "Who is this?"
EVP: "Santos". (Answered immediately)
Me: (Not keeping my cool anymore because I dont want strangers seeing me naked...dead or alive) "Well Santos, I dont really want you here". Jesus protects me and in his name you must leave." "Those are the rules".
EVP: "garbage".
Lately, all I get are random words. But once my last name popped right up on the screen. And it told me I was "impatient", which is absolutely true. And it told me to avoid eBay, which I thought was hysterical. I would like to learn how to avoid malevolent entities before I use this again. Cheers and happy hunting!
LiLu2016 about Ghost Hunter M2